Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

How An Ovulation Calendar Can Help You Get Pregnant

An ovulation calendar can be very helpful to a couple attempting to get pregnant. It charts several specific changes that indicate ovulation. Temperature changes, the volume and texture of cervical mucus and the cervical position. All these are indicators that ovulation has occurred and if these are recorded and followed on a calendar, it could increase a couples chance of becoming pregnant by a significant percentage.

The most fertile time of the month can be predicted by tracking the beginning and end of your menstrual cycle and your luteal phase length (the days after the egg is released). Every woman has a luteal phase if she is menstruating. It is the time that begins at the discharge of the egg and ends the day before your period. This phase can last up to 14 days, but can vary by one or two days more or less. The length of the luteal phase determines when the egg will be released within the menstrual cycle. If you are under stress, taking medications or extremely active, ovulation can be delayed. You can calculate your luteal phase by counting how many days are in your cycle. If your cycle is 27 days long, then your luteal phase is 13 days long. The egg will be released on the 14th day of your cycle (27-13= 14). If you use an ovulation calendar this will be the method of calculation to determine when ovulation will occur.

The calendar works better for women who have a regular menstrual cycle. When the egg discharge occurs the basal body temperature rises to create a more fertile environment. The temperature rises due increasing progesterone levels. It takes between 24 and 48 hours for the progesterone level s to increase enough to raise body temperature. By charting the temperature, the egg which is only available for fertilization for 24 hours, the ovulatory date is easier to interpret. With this information at hand, you may elect to have intercourse up to 3 days prior to the egg being released to have the sperm in the fallopian tubes waiting for the egg, so it can be fertilized.

Basal body temperature and cervical position, if charted together will give a more accurate measure of the date of the egg discharge. During the menstrual cycle the feel and position of the cervix changes. If you examine your cervix and measure it, the changes can be charted on the ovulation calendar to help predict the exact time the egg will be released. The third predictor of ovulation is cervical mucus. Increased estrogen levels will increase the amount of cervical mucus and change its texture. Cervical mucus keeps sperm alive, so it is necessary for conception. As you near the day of ovulation your mucus will be more plentiful and may have the texture of hand lotion with some stickiness. When you are ovulating, it will be more generous and have the texture of egg whites and be somewhat stretchy.

The ovulation calendar is meant to assist you in tracking all the signs that indicate the ability to get pregnant. Your body's basal temperature will rise, your cervical position will change and your cervical mucus will increase and change texture when you ovulate. The ovulation calendar's main purpose is to help you become fully aware of the times you are most likely to become pregnant.

James Copper writes content on IVF issues and treatments for Pune Fertility Center. Discover free advice on how to use an IVF due date calculator to help you get pregnant.

Gianvi Birth Control

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